Why Select Life Coach Dr. M

Apart from the fact that this Coach will Transform you Life and make you Happier, Coach Dr. M believes very strongly in adding Meaning to your Life and Giving you Value.

Here are 3 good Reasons that makes him unique and stand out.


The Real Secret - Application and Theory

The years of research into Ancient Scriptural learning especially of Vedanta, has allowed him to understand the ‘The Secret’ and its true application as the Ancients meant it to be. Practices like ‘acceptance’, ‘detachment’, ‘gratitude’ all take on deeper and at times more weird meaning, yet it works much better even for established practitioners ! Dr. M understands how the Mind was created to Function and harness the Cosmic Power and to make the Universe work in tandem with you - that is Coach Dr. M’s Strategy

Spoiler Alert : Dr. M will ask you to give Gratitude to your worst ‘enemy’ or problem in your life now!


Controversial Approach to Big Dreams

Big Goals and Big Dreams are a philosophy of the Past and they are instrumental in frustrating you and driving you downwards. . While motivating and inspirational the opposite could be true if it does not work out for you - even to the extent of making you feel like a failure. Don’t let the myths of a lucky few who achieved and benefited from their Big Goals and Dreams. BUT Dr. M’s approach is that you got to be who you are. Your potential and destiny is not something that is imported from an inspiration autobiography or video OR Childhood impressions.

Discover your Dream and Potential and Be the person you are meant to Be. You are not your Dreams. Even dreams Change over time. Dr. M’s concept is to groom you towards your true potential and the Dream Life unknown to you will unfold by itself.


We never Set You Up to Fail

Coach Dr. M’s techniques and practices are crafted based on your Strengths. Everyone including you will have their own Path and Journey at their own Pace. They are highly customized to avoid your weakness and fears. No morning meditation if you are not a morning person - heck! No meditation at all! All the techniques and practices will have a high acceptance and usability for you. Coach Dr. M will even ‘hand-hold’ you through the first few months till you get the hang of it for he understands how your Subconscious Mind sabotages you. In fact he perfectly understands how You are Your Biggest Enemy!

“No one and no even you will be judgmental about yourself”

Coach Dr. M