Life Coaching -

Overcoming challenges in your personal life

If you landed here, I think it is meant to be. Because I am here for you. I take my role as your Life Coach to heart. I believe it is our mutual destiny if I am to coach you. Because it is time for you to let go of the past and move forward. Your Life will Change there is no doubt about it. The time is now. And I thank the Universe if I am the chosen one to take you on this path to the New You.

Coach Dr Muruga


The Audit - Self-Analysis

Your Life Coaching begins with an exhaustive in-depth analysis of your current situation. I call it the ‘audit’ It is important to know how you got to this current situation. Not the ‘What” is your current situation but rather the ‘How” did you get to the current situation. Your history, past experiences and everything else about you needs to come out essentially in the first 1 -2 sessions as we work into the depths of your thoughts, emotions and behavior. Once we understand what brought you to the current situation, then and only then does your ‘healing’ begin. As a clinician, I only end this first stage with a detailed and in-depth diagnosis.

Customized Coaching Plan for you

With a detailed Diagnosis, we design a highly customized plan that will be effective for you. Not too demanding and not too lenient, just the right tempo for you with incremental demands of effort on your part. We make sure our Plan has High Attractiveness and High Usability for you. I never incorporate techniques in the coaching plan that set you up to fail - like some ridiculously strict diets!

Your customized plan will be designed to work on your strengths as well as challenge your potential. It is stimulating and provocative yet motivating. There will be assessments to track your compliance and we monitor your progress. Don’t worry we incorporate ‘cheat days’ as well. The process is never meant to be torturous. You are meant to enjoy every minute of the journey towards your your Goals. our Hallmark is the Unconscious Competence Way. More details of that later if you are interested.

Sustaining The New You

Because of my Philosophy of addressing the cause of your problem, I will be dealing with the root causes and this will ensure that the Change in you is not temporary but a permanent and sustained Change. In this last phase, the focus is on how to ensure the New You will never revert back or relapse. You will never miss and go back to that Ex of yours, put back the weight you loss, or go back to that addiction or shopaholic ways. At the end of this Stage, you will be transformed and living the life of your Dream with never ever a hint of the Past.

Fees Per Hour : $100.00 to $150.00