What others say about Dr. M

Career clarity and Life Choices

At the stage of my life when I was broke, lost and looking for direction, Dr. M became my Life Coach. In our Coaching sessions he made me see with clarity my career options and life decisions I had to make. He coached me in every aspect of my life and today I am most grateful and thankful to him for the success I have in my Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) career - I am a Professional fighter with a bright career ahead of me - something I could never imagine before. I am in a super Relationship with the most wonderful girl whom I love and who loves me unconditionally and the Universe is now truly the ‘wind beneath my wings’. All Thanks to Coach Dr. M and his Techniques

Shahmmah Chandran, MMA Combatant

“I was not in a good place ….”

Dr. M is an excellent coach. He has helped me so much by guiding me and showing me my direction with regards to my career and personal life. Previously I was not in a good place and often pessimistic and depressed even. Now all that is in the past. I discovered a part of me that never existed before and am going full steam ahead to live my life and make my Dream come a reality.

— Thamer Amer Ph. D

“We all need a Dr. M in our lives.”

Dr. M was my life coach and still is. I first underwent his Coaching while in Medical School and as Doctor I still call upon him for some coaching and mentoring these days. I owe the success that I achieved both in my life and career to him. I highly recommend him for anyone who needs a life coach. Even as a Doctor and for everyone else; we all need a Dr. M in our lives.

Dr. Vignesh Thanalingam

Thanks to Dr. Muruga, I won the Best Manager Award this time around. He did a great job in helping me from a low performing Manager to the Best Manager for Year 2021

Jonathan Liew, Operations Manager

I was fast tracked from head of Payroll, to Unit Manager and than Accounting Director in a period of 4 years thanks to Coach Dr. M

Rishiharan, Accounting Director Semi Conductor Plant in S’pore