Executive Coaching -

Taking you to the next level of Performance in your Career.

Establishing Gaps in Desired Performance

What got you here will not get you there! We take stock of what your current Strengths and Weaknesses and then we map out what is needed for the next level of Performance you can strive for. Typically this stage involves lots of reflection, 360 Degree Feedback and Alignment with the Organisation Vision.

The Performance Enhancement Coaching Plan

A detailed coaching plan for your enhancement is designed taking all aspects of your Organisational demands and expectations. Care is also taken in consideration of aligning your Values with that of the Organisation. If this involves pushing you out of your comfort zone, pushing you to the limits to achieve your potential - so be it. Periodical assessments and feedback from your team and colleagues will be the norm. At all times you will be acquiring new skills and knowledge that will equip you with the task of Performing at the Next Level. Typically this Stage takes 8-10 sessions and a period of 6-8 months

Sustaining The Changed New You

All our customized Coaching Plans have a strong component of Sustained Change. In this last phase, the focus is on how to ensure the New You is anchored and grounded on the new knowledge and skills. Coaching sessions are stretched out with less interference from your Coach. You will still have it but the assessments will be minimal. At the end of this Stage, you will be transformed and ready for that Next Level of Performance.

Fees Per Hour : $150.00 to $200.00