Life Coaching to Achieve Your Personal Goals

If you have landed here, it is not by accident. Probably it is meant to be and destiny is playing a hand to take you to the next level. Nothing lasts forever and the time for your Problems is over. It’s time for the new beginning and new phase of your life. Embrace it and let the new sunrise be the beginning of a new You.

Meet Dr. M—an accredited executive and life coach dedicated to your transformation. With a robust experience spanning over 20 years, Dr. M has successfully steered more than 500 individuals like you toward achieving clarity, self-assurance, and life fulfilment. No matter what your problem is, he is here for you. His belief is God or the Universe does not give you a Problem that is too big for you to handle. It just takes time to get over it and soon you too will say that you cannot believe at one time that you would overcome this problem you are facing. Remember, nothing lasts forever. Your time has come now. Believe it.

Dr. M employs specialized techniques rooted in neuroscience, positive psychology and spirituality. These methods are meticulously designed to help you dismantle the external barriers and self-sabotage that hinder your progress.

Under Dr. M's professional mentorship, learn to harness the life-altering powers of the Law of Attraction. Right now this Law could be working against you without your knowledge and you are attracting negative and toxic experiences into your life.

Cultivate a positive mindset that enables you to rediscover the excitement and joy that life has to offer. Trust the process that has not only stood the test of time but has also changed lives beyond count. It can work for you too as long as you are ready to give up that toxic stress that is always with you. You deserve better and he is here to show you how to get Peace of Mind and Joy.

Your age, background, or current circumstances are mere details. Dr. M's tailored coaching strategies are versatile enough to propel you past any obstacle.Don't merely dream about a life of happiness, luxury and Love. Act now to make that your Reality. You deserve better.


Within just a few sessions, Dr. M’s unique approach revamped my entire outlook on life.
— Dr. Abd. Hakim

Relationship Rescue : Act Now -1st 3 Coaching Sessions get Back in the Game-USD 450

Relationships can be challenging, but they also have the potential to be the most rewarding aspect of our lives. If you sense a growing distance and discontent, it's time to act. In three focused sessions, we'll delve into the root of your relationship woes and provide actionable steps to rejuvenate the bond.

Key Benefits:

  • Understand the core issues affecting your relationship.

  • bringing back Love into your Life

  • Rebuild trust, fun and intimacy.

  • Reignite the spark with your partner.

I Change : No More a Loser but Now a Winner  - 5 Coaching Sessions USD 450

Do you often find yourself trapped, in a toxic and negative environment. Do you often  feel like the world is working against you? Life is Unfair!

You need a break and start with a fresh perspective. It's time to shift your mindset and rise above. Let's work together  to tear down the walls that is limiting you and  keeping you down.  In just 5 sessions, you'll move from being a victim of your circumstances to the Victor, holding the power to shape your own destiny.

Key Benefits:

  • Gain clarity on your life's direction.

  • Learn tools to overcome negative self-talk.

  • Develop a proactive approach to challenges.

  • Discover your inner strength and resilience.

Overcoming Relationship Breakup
Duration: 5 Sessions -USD 500

The pain of a breakup can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to define you. Your healing journey begins here. Over the course of 5 transformative sessions, we'll work together to navigate through the anguish, find closure, and set a course for a brighter future.

Key Benefits:

  • Process your emotions in a safe and supportive space.

  • Win back your Love - if you want!

  • Gain tools for self-healing and self-love.

  • Moving on to a  brighter future.

  • Learn to embrace new relationships.

Dr Muruga

Transcend Yourself:

Personal Coaching for the Already Successful

but …… ‘What’s Next’ ?

When Being a High Achiever Isn't Enough : ‘Peace of Mind’ despite being Happy!

 "You’ve reached milestones and broken through glass ceilings, becoming a master of your outer world. But have you ever stopped to ponder, 'Is this all there is? What's next?' Welcome to 'Transcend Yourself: Personal Coaching for the Already Accomplished.' This isn’t just another achievement to add to your list; it's an invitation to a transformative journey deep within yourself. To find the Real You and Your Next Journey. This exclusive program is tailored for those who have scaled heights in their professional life but seek a richer, more fulfilling personal experience. You'll scrutinize your foundational beliefs, navigate the labyrinth of your mind, and refine your life strategies. It's time to go beyond just achievements. Are you ready to transcend the ordinary and discover the extraordinary within you?"

  Session 1: Mastering Your Inner Game: The Real You, Transcendent. that Inner Voice!

Leverage your proven success in the external world to conquer new frontiers within. Elevate your essence beyond mere accomplishments, amplifying the greatness that already defines you. it is time to define the real YOU as you see it.

  Session 2: Unshakable Foundations: Revisiting Re-Inventing Yourself for Next Stage

 This isn't about change; it's about finesse and optimization. Re-examine the belief systems that have been your cornerstone for achievement in the past BUT new Beliefs beckon, with the Gen Z and ever changing landscape. Ensure the alignment with your present and future aspirations and stay Relevant for ever more.

  Session 3: Mind Mastery Finally : Knowing your Own Mind Like You NEVER Knew It

 You've excelled in boardrooms and led markets; now turn inward to master the complex workings of your own mind. Unlock memories and emotional luggage that extend beyond a superficial awareness. Amaze yourself how it has spurred you on but NOW! it’s back to visit you. And is it OK?

  Session 4: Master Self-Reflection : Learn the Deep and Correct Technique that works for You.

 Realise the power of a deep self-reflection, realising your inner beliefs and limitations preventing that true Happiness despite the seemingly Successful Image. Perfect the art of reflective introspection to be your own inner gyroscope for self-correction. Achieve the Super Mentor status as befitting your Achievements and finally be ready to tell your truthful Story to Inspire. Publish your Book even. Your untold Story an Inspiration to the Next Generation.

 Session 5: Elevate Yourself to a Higher Purpose Life: is Spirituality Right for You? Is it Time?

Going beyond Financial and Mundane Goals. Is this the time for your genesis; your internal soulful and spiritual self. Go beyond the limitations of this physical and materialistic life and see who you are in the Creator’s bigger picture. Discover the difference between Peace of Mind and Happiness. Be who you are Finally and not controlled by your wealth, your reputation, family or obligations. Be Free and Be humbled yet again and be a child of the Universe.

You've already played the game, accomplished what needs to be accomplished; climbed the highest mountain, now What? Find your answers with Coach Dr. Muruga

Speciality of Dr Muruga - Boost Self-Esteem

Speciality of Dr Muruga - Boost Self-Esteem

Boost Your Self-Esteem with Coach Dr. Muruga

Are you feeling stuck in your career or personal life? Do you doubt your abilities and struggle to make decisions? It's possible that low self-esteem is holding you back from reaching your full potential. As a life coach and executive coach, I have seen countless individuals face similar challenges. That's where Coach Dr. Muruga comes in! With his unique approach to self-esteem enhancement, he can help you break free from the shackles of self-doubt and propel you towards success.

Signs of Low Self-Esteem

To determine if low self-esteem is a factor in your life, consider the following common aspects:

  1. Negative self-talk: If you find yourself frequently engaging in self-criticism or putting yourself down, it's a sign that your self-esteem may be suffering.

  2. Fear of failure: Are you hesitant to take risks or try new things due to fear of failure? Low self-esteem could be preventing you from seizing opportunities and reaching your goals.

  3. Difficulty accepting compliments: When someone praises you, do you brush it off or downplay your achievements? A lack of self-worth may make it challenging to accept compliments with grace.

  4. Perfectionism: Setting unrealistically high expectations for yourself can be a sign of low self-esteem. The need to be perfect may stem from a deep-seated belief that you're not good enough.

  5. Social withdrawal: People with low self-esteem often avoid social situations or feel uncomfortable in group settings. This avoidance can be a coping mechanism for insecurities and self-doubt.

Coach Dr. Muruga - Helping You Build Self-Esteem and Improve Performance in the Workplace

Low self-esteem can hinder your performance in the workplace by affecting your confidence, decision-making abilities, and communication skills. As an experienced life coach and executive coach, Coach Dr. Muruga will work closely with you to identify the root causes of your low self-esteem and implement strategies to overcome them.

Together, you'll explore techniques such as positive affirmations, goal-setting, and building supportive relationships. These tools will not only improve your self-esteem but also enhance your performance in the workplace, leading to increased job satisfaction and personal growth.

Time to take Control of the Situation :

Are you ready to unlock your potential and experience the life-changing benefits of improved self-esteem? Sign up for a free consultation with Coach Dr. Muruga today!

Discover how his personalized coaching approach can help you overcome low self-esteem and achieve success in your personal and professional life. Don't let self-doubt hold you back any longer – take the first step towards a more confident and fulfilling future now.

Click here to book your free consultation with Coach Dr. Muruga and start your journey towards enhanced self-esteem and better performance in the workplace.

Our Services

  • Life Coaching

    Everybody at some point in their life will need face to face or an Online Life Coach to help them face challenges they cannot overcome on their own. Life Coaching Online makes it possible for you to Succeed from right where you are. Be it personal re-branding, self-confidence, overcoming relationship issues, losing weight or dealing with an addiction we are there to help you.

  • Executive Coaching

    The demands of Leadership in Management are forever a challenge even to successful career minded aspirant. Executive Coaches help Leaders navigate the journey to the next level of Peak Performance. If you need an Executive Coach

  • Business Coaching

    We offer Coaching for your Business is to make your Dream come true. We help Entrepreneurs narrow and close their gaps in Managing and Leading the Businesses they founded. A Business Coach will help you navigate the challenges you will potentially face. Invest in knowledge and experience to avoid failure in your business. Coaching is probably the one good investment you can do for your Business.

coach dr m

High Performance

Life & Executive Coaching

With Dr. Muruga

Are you ready to take action and Change to be a better person?

  • Why choose a life coach?

    Do you feel like you are successful on paper, but something deep inside tells you that there is more?

    Have you ever felt like you have yet to discover your true potential?

    A life coach can help you make positive changes, end the empty promises and focus on tangible results.

    With my help you will learn to generate your own solutions to problems you face, remove obstacles to your objectives, and in turn gain clarity and understanding of why you were the way you were, and how to manage and take your life in your hands.

  • Why Choose to have an Executive Coach

    If you feel you are stressed at work and your health is suffering and have not been able to manage your work stress then you need an executive coach to help you manage your work/life balance

    When you get the feedback that your People Management Skills is lagging behind your technical skills. When your staff complain about your inter-personal skills and your KPIs related to people management are low; you may want to consider engaging an Executive Coach to help you improve your people skills

    When the young talent or generation Z staff find you old fashioned or intolerant and leave the organization; or your people management skills are causing low Employee Engagement Scores for the Organization; Executive Coaching can help you improve your people skills performance